Big rear wing, super-low, loud as hell and no problems with the German TÜV. Welcome to the USA, welcome to paradise! Completely redone muscle-cars from the 60`s, hot-rods, about 30 Challenger and Charger, pretty evil Evos, and some other surprises are waiting for me. That is the reason why I will go an extra 70 miles despite the bad weather – I just need to see this!
It was Kind of a coincidence that I found out about a car-show right here in Wisconsin, while I spent some days with my family here. I am sure many of you haven`t even heared about Wisconsin. It`s way up north in the USA and ist right by the great lakes. Well, Wisconsin is not a typical toursist state in the US and it`s basically famous for it`s cheese. That is why the fans of the Green Bay Packers Footballteam are called Cheeseheads. Other than that, Wisconsin is known for Harley Davidson and the fact that it became home to many Germans by the beginning of the 20th century. So just in case you get homesick during your stay in the US, here you will find „Weißbier“ and „Leberwurst“.
But back to the topic: We did arrive Janesville in time, and found the car Show which was done by Their „Cruise for a cause“ collects money for a childrens hospital.
700 people did sign in on Facebook. I suppose it`s some visitors less because of the rain but still, there were a lot of cars out there. The first impression – the organisation of parking – is very well done. Spectators have to pay 5 Dollars per person, showcars get in for 10 Dollar a car. You could also pay with a brand new toy but unfortunately we did not have one with us. The first similarity with our shows in Germany is, that there are a lot of trophies to win, like „best of show“ or „best paint job“. Something different was, that there were also a kids Jury.
Overall there was a very good atmosphere. I think that many of the people there have been a bit older than at similar shows in Germany. Some of the Oldtimers were driven by real Oldtimers which gave the whole thing a very down to earth and family friendly touch.
But, regarding the cars: Oh my god, what could be done without our german TÜV?! Of course here were as many US-cars as german cars in Germany at a car-show. Wonderfull restored muscle-cars, survicors, rusty old pick-ups and vans, so many new Challenger and Charger, cars from makers which havent been aorund anymore for centuries – let`s say a Kaiser – never seen one bevore and probably never will see one in future.
All that was completed by some great JDM cars like a wonderful classic Fairlady, Evos, Subarus, Lexus, Nissans and than – there had also a few german cars. My favoriute of those has been the dark blue and super-low beetle. sThe bottom line is – great day and in addition a very good Burger for just 3 Dollar. So, in case you come along – check out the next Cruise for a cause or any other carshow in the USA, it`s really different from those in Germany.
Text: Andreas Leffler
Pictures: Andreas Leffler
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